Welcome to the website of the Kisoro Trust


The Kisoro Trust is a charity registered in Scotland which was established to raise funds towards a school for deaf children in the Kisoro diocese of Uganda. The school first opened in 2001 with a single class of 15 children, however thanks to our regular donors and fundraisers, the Kisoro School for Deaf Children grew to 60 children in classes from Primary One through to Primary Seven. After recent restructuring, the school currently has 36 children. We would like to invite you to join us in helping to give these children a future.



If you would like to donate to the Kisoro Trust, you can either send a cheque to the address below, made payable to "The Kisoro Trust" or pay your donation directly to our bank using the following details:

Royal Bank of Scotland
Sort Code 83-19-15
Acc No. 00622646

If you are able to sign a Gift Aid Declaration, it makes a huge difference to the amount we receive. Please get in touch with us and we will send one to you.


To find out more about the history of the school, please follow the links below.

The Kisoro TrustNewsletters

Site updated September 14, 2023

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The Kisoro Trust
91 Restalrig Avenue, Edinburgh, EH7 6PN
Recognised Scottish Charity No. SC 029384

Email address: info@Kisoro.org